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Decades of Thought-Leadership


Current Calls, and Long Track Record of Accurate Predictions

August 25, 2023

Forbes asked Brad to write about housing, and he chose to talk about two of the fastest-growing parts of the built-for-rent single-family business: cottages and townhomes.


July 7, 2019

Forbes asked Brad to write about housing, and he chose to talk about what has driven up home prices so dramatically. The answer was right under your feet. Click the header.

October 25, 2018

Brad's forecasts for housing markets were featured repeatedly in this highly respected economics blog, and Bill McBride remarked on his accuracy in calling the turns.

August 19, 2014

In this interview, Brad Hunter identified a number of emerging hot spots for housing, and predicted the strong rebounds in Atlanta and other markets.

May 23, 2014

Brad Hunter joined in a "deep-dive" discussion on housing opportunities and traps on CNBC.

(March. 2025) In Forbes, on The BTR Forecast (clickable)

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A Sampling of HHE Interviews and Accurate Predictions 

 Over the Years

June 7, 2021

In June 2020, Brad predicted a "V"-shaped recovery in housing. In the middle of pandemic lockdowns, he called the upswing that is surprised most analysts and authors, across all types of residential.

He has since spoken on various programs about the ongoing surge of demand for homes built for rent. 

As a member of Reuters' panel of housing economists, Brad discussed the dramatic rebound in home sales and prices. Click below to read:


Predictions Realized: On Bloomberg News

In 2016-17, Brad Hunter predicted a coming deceleration of home price appreciation which started to occur in 2018-2019 (pre-Covid). He is now calling for declines in home prices in 2023, prompting more builders to sell inventory to investors. 

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